Friday, August 14, 2009

Lavatory Philosophying

Right, I was sitting on the loo just now when I had this revelation. (why is it that one always does one's best thinking and theorising whilst on the loo...?) I was thinking about what I could write on my blog today, and I realised that nothing too significant happenend yesterday or today for that matter and it got me thinking. If you were forced to write about your day every single day, and you were, for example in quaritine with the so-called dreaded (que horror music) Swineflu and it was just you and the lukewarm glass of water next to your bed and the already miff linen, what would you do? Well, you would have to write about your mind, your thinkings, (yes thats a word. My word) basically what goes on in that big round skull of yours. You would have to take stock of your inner workings. What makes that monkey beat the drum and the little hamster run around in the wheel.

What WOULD you write about? What ARE your daily fears, dreams, hopes?

If we actually really sit and write them down, I am sure we would be able to find a pattern. And then we would realise that we would be putting off some dreams we've been dreaming since 3 October 1942. Or that we're actually quite a negative bunch of specimens instead of the really happy chappy ones we put up for the world to see. For instance, (confession time) I realised that I swear at people a lot. A LOT. The really really idiotic drivers cutting in infront of me, or the rude cashier at the tillpoint, or the poor kid with an empty stomach just asking for a little money.
If I were really honest about this, and if our thoughts were projected onto little speechbubbles on top of our heads, I would be ashamed as Im sure you would be sometimes as well.

So I'm going to take stock, take these bad bad potty thoughts, put them in the loo and flush them down the stinky drain. And then, I'm going to rearrange my thought pattern and put pink flowers, bubbles and puppies in my speech bubbles and concentrate on being a REAL good person. A truthful, honest, trying-very-hard-to-be-a-good-person person.

I will leave you with this Lavatory Philosophy for the weekend.

And no, I didnt forget...



  1. I know exactly what you're saying. I'm working on and art project "What is on your mind". Now I only recently started with this, but I'll post you when I have more significant examples to show. The project came to me randomly so the first two paintings are quite frivolous. See it here:

  2. PS: My best ideas comes to me in the shower. Maybe its a water sign thing...x

  3. Is this your image? I love it! Very ethereal.
