Friday, August 28, 2009

Oh my.

Instead of editing and thinking (yes I am quite good at that. OVER thinking that is) I am going to just write and see what pops up on this here screen...

I had a super duper emotional day yesterday. Hubby was kinda flabbergasted with all the wetness streaming down the face of his usually very bubbly beloved wifey. I have been suffering for years, from what the doctor calls, fibromyalgia. I refuse to name it yet, shunning it away from my consciousness. And it really is true what that stupid clichè says: "OBLIVION IS BLISS". Let me explain. As I was saying, I have been suffering for a really looong time from this agonising pain in my body. But, as all things persistent go, you get used to the little bugging buggers. Off to the doctor the other day for some other 'klein klein jakkalsies' and mentioned got the pain thing. Some poking, a little squeezing, prescribed pills got. Pop a few, pain gone, feel aaawesome!! I never knew there are people walking around without a clamp on their head and knitting needles stuck inbetween each vertebra pinching the living hell out of your spinal cord. On cloud number 9 flying around in seventh heaven getting hugged by chubby cherubs, life is GRREAT!... Pills finished, pain returs 7times!!! Oh. My. God!! SERIOUSLY?!? This is what my body felt like all these years? No wonder I had crying spells, murderous intentions, headaches sent directly from Hades and this uncontrollable thirst for copious amounts of alcohol! It numbed the pain!!! I wasnt an alcoholic... I was on medication fooools! Thats what Im trying to explain about the Oblivion is bliss thing. I could handle the pain previously cause I thought that was normal. Then I got a taste of sweet sweet heaven and the return to my "normal" was just so much more hellish. That was what the crying fit was about yesterday. I felt uncontrollably sad, dissappointed and generally just die moer in cause I dont know how to fix me.

Right, venting over, feel better already. Nope, lying. Still feeling like CRAP! Saving meds for next week, going on training. This weekend I will be dousing myself with other medication... thee alcohol she's soooothing...


PRETTY PIC FRIDAY LITTLE F*&^!! Thought I forgot nè... Nevaaaa!

love you all, have a great great weekend. Chat again NEXT friday.

Monday, August 24, 2009

I have been outwitted

And you will not believe by whom...

By God the Almighty Himself. Sneaky little ... not sure if I should finish that sentence. Dont know if that would be blasphemous or not, so considering the possibility that it might be instead of a not, I'll not.

I have this really really bad little habit. I tend to procrastinate. Its not that I get lazy (often), I just get distracted with something else. Something more exiting! Not that the initial idea was anything less than exiting, it just got, well you know, kinda old. And that meant that I got bored. Hence the (I actually got distracted while writing this looking at my dirty fingernails and realising that the 'gel' I put on my nails for the wedding kinda f*&^%d them up a bit. I dont know why I did that anyway. I am way much more of an earthy kinda girl. that likes margaritas. And boots. Besides the point. What was I talking about...?) Oh yes, Hence the distraction.

Actually, I think I might have outdone, outwitted and outconfused myself a bloody lot right now. Cant remember what I was thinking, blogging, blabbering on about? habit.. yes, procrastinate. I'll tell you about that another time. Unless I forget. Oh yeah, I was talking about God outwitting me. precisely because I procrastinate. Lets try and sum this up shall we:

I am not too busy at work at the moment. So I use the generous time allocated to me to blog, or do some research on photoshop tutorials, or dream about relaxing holidays to take, or design gorgeous house on Autocad, etc. etc. But every once in a while, I get some things to do. You know, work. So I do some of them, but then get bored (as one does) and get distracted with more fun things to do. And after a week of blogging, relaxing, designing and dreaming you realise that you conveniently 'forgot' about that very important email your boss wanted you to send. And then you scurry around like the scoundrel little squirrel you are trying to get it done on time.
Okey, God into the picture... Instead of letting me make some horrible mistake in forgetting to do this seriously important thing for the bossman whilst blogging, relaxing, designing and dreaming, he decides to step in for a sec. And pulls the plug on our electricity. So there I was stuck with my one finger on Enter, the other hand stuffing a Salticrack into my mouth and my head taking a little daytrip, when my little castle collapsed. Into darkness.
What to do? Got off my increasing butt, did the filing, phoned Telkom, Pine Lotters and the rest. As soon as I put the now grossly covered in sweat phone down, miracously, our electricity popped right on up again. Deny or argue as much as you want, I believe that God decided to do a cool little thing for me today. Thanks!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Too my two avid readers...

Im sooo sorry!! Ive been quite a busy little bunny this week with work and I had little time to get my daily fix of blogging. And now I'm about to leave work, as I'm only working half day! Hubby is turning 30 on sunday and everyone is leaving to go to the 'Plaas' for the celebrations.

I will leave you with a extraordinary PRETTY PIC Friday!


click on the link to see this amazing photo enlarged. The photographer is registered on under April182

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Not only is he the fastest man alive EVER, but he does it with style, grace and so much FUN!!!

He smiles

He laughs

He makes fellow human beings feel all filled with some good fluffy happy feelings!!

He has the right to boast and actually be a complete prick, but he decided to live life to the full and enjoy every second of it.

As he so clearly demonstrates...

Seconds can really fly past!!
Ladies and gentleman, I give you USAIN BOLT

Friday, August 14, 2009

Lavatory Philosophying

Right, I was sitting on the loo just now when I had this revelation. (why is it that one always does one's best thinking and theorising whilst on the loo...?) I was thinking about what I could write on my blog today, and I realised that nothing too significant happenend yesterday or today for that matter and it got me thinking. If you were forced to write about your day every single day, and you were, for example in quaritine with the so-called dreaded (que horror music) Swineflu and it was just you and the lukewarm glass of water next to your bed and the already miff linen, what would you do? Well, you would have to write about your mind, your thinkings, (yes thats a word. My word) basically what goes on in that big round skull of yours. You would have to take stock of your inner workings. What makes that monkey beat the drum and the little hamster run around in the wheel.

What WOULD you write about? What ARE your daily fears, dreams, hopes?

If we actually really sit and write them down, I am sure we would be able to find a pattern. And then we would realise that we would be putting off some dreams we've been dreaming since 3 October 1942. Or that we're actually quite a negative bunch of specimens instead of the really happy chappy ones we put up for the world to see. For instance, (confession time) I realised that I swear at people a lot. A LOT. The really really idiotic drivers cutting in infront of me, or the rude cashier at the tillpoint, or the poor kid with an empty stomach just asking for a little money.
If I were really honest about this, and if our thoughts were projected onto little speechbubbles on top of our heads, I would be ashamed as Im sure you would be sometimes as well.

So I'm going to take stock, take these bad bad potty thoughts, put them in the loo and flush them down the stinky drain. And then, I'm going to rearrange my thought pattern and put pink flowers, bubbles and puppies in my speech bubbles and concentrate on being a REAL good person. A truthful, honest, trying-very-hard-to-be-a-good-person person.

I will leave you with this Lavatory Philosophy for the weekend.

And no, I didnt forget...


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Rose McGowen Day

I am dedicating today to Rose McGowen for she was the inspiration to colour my hair gorgeous ginger yesterday!!!

Born September 5, 1973, Rose Arianna McGowan is the second eldest of six siblings. She was raised, until the age of nine, within the Italian chapter of the Children of God; an extremist Christian, anti-American cult.

During the early 1980s, her family severed ties with the community and migrated to Eugene, Oregon, USA. Following her parents divorce, Rose relocated to Gig Harbour, Washington, to live with her grandmother. At age 14, McGowan was falsely accused of drug abuse by a family friend and committed to drug rehabilitation. She has consistently maintained that the decision was unjustified, and detrimental to her mental health. Upon release, she spent a year as a disadvantaged youth before legally declaring independence from her family at age 15.

Her early formal education includes attendance at Roosevelt High School and Nova Alternative High School. Further education includes a stint at UCLA, and qualifications as a licensed beauty operator.McGowan's career as an actor sincerely began in 1995, with a leading role in The Doom Generation (1995). Originally intended for Jordan Ladd, the character of "Amy Blue" was awarded to McGowan, whose presence outside a gym captured the eye of an associate of director Gregg Araki. For her performance, she was nominated at the 1995 Independant Spirit Awards for Best Debut Performance. Subsequently cast in Wes Craven's Scream (1996/I), she experienced further success when the project defied expectations to became one of the highest grossing films of the year.

The innovative, yet soft-sounding, career of McGowan was overshadowed throughout much of the 1990s by her high-profile relationship with musician Brian Warner (aka Marilyn Manson.

Strong performances in Going All the Way (1997), Lewis & Clark & George (1997), Southie (1998), and Jawbreaker (1999) were largely unseen by the general public, who favored mean-spirited tabloid blurbs over her creative exploits. When the relationship ended between the two in 2001, she remarked: "There is great love, but our lifestyle difference is, unfortunately, even greater."Immediately, the quality of McGowan's roles further improved. She performed solidly alongside Alan Alda in The Killing Yard (2001) (TV), shone with Robert Forster in Strange Hearts (2001), and was appropriately demure in "Stealing Bess" (aka Vacuums (2002)). She was introduced to the mainstream as "Paige Matthews" in Aaron Spelling's "Charmed" (1998), a popular television show for which she devoted five consecutive years. When "Charmed" finished its run in 2006, McGowan emerged in top form. Critics praised her efforts in Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror (2007), Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof (2007), and her turn as "Grace Sterrin" in Fifty Dead Men Walking (2008) exemplified her potential as a leading dramatic actress.

At the time of writing, McGowan and director Robert Rodriguez are due to be wed. Her upcoming projects include the fantasy epic Red Sonja (2010) .
information courtesy of

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Women are ama-zieeeeng!!!

Its a little late, I know... but..

Hope you got spoilt rotten!

Man, was the potjiekos fun! We made a new friend. Quin (longtime kindergarten friend remember?) brought his new girlfriend with and she ROCKS! He just turned his backs for a few seconds and we bombarded her with 20 questions. She rised extremely ladylike to the equation and then whipped our arses. Us three pink musketeers of course grabbed the opportunity to make complete fools of ourselves! We were loud, obnoxious, drunk, raucous, etc. All the things we love. And THATS why they're my girlfriends. (Our new friend's name is Jenine Agathagelou)

Thanx for the cool pix Lee-Anne!

Somewhere in my state of oblivion, I had a show and tell with my closely nurtured MONTH old hairgrowth, and was aptly and unceremoniously dubbed Mrs. Ilze FURRY (if you remember correctly, my legal surname is ACKchoehaly Mrs. Ilze Fourie) Thank you Lee-Anne...

The whole weekend I was having these epiphanies on what to write on Gawkygirl... but alas... I have gone blank. I think I'm too excited to get back to drawing on AutoCad. More about that tomorrow.


p.s. I DID go to the salon yesterday and are now officially hairless on all the appropriate places

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Weekend plans decided...

NOT doing any of the things I wanted to do for this weekend. We could have gone camping, but the crazy lady wanted to ask me PEAK season December holiday prices!! So, in principal, I declined her polite offer to exploit me.

Instead, we will be having a lovely potjiekos at Lee-Anne's house this weekend for the rugby. To anyone reading this, NOT from South Africa, I will explain what potjiekos is:

Potjiekos (Poi-chi-caus) In the pronounciation of our lovely 'Capie' accent, directly translated, means Pot Food. The name very much describes the type of cuisine this is. But Potjiekos should not be understood as Pot Food. It should be accepted as Potjiekos. Just like Spaghetti Bolognase is not Spaghetti. Or Bolognase. It IS Spaghetti Bolognase. Its one concept. Right, movin' along...

Potjiekos can really be anything. Seepotpotjie is calamari, baby squid, prawn, mussels, cream, herbs and whatever else you like to drop in there. Lambpotjie, beefpotjie, biltongpotjie, all of which is self explanatory. Now the difference between our Suffafrikans' beloved potjiekos and normal casserole in the oven is the following:



Potjie gets prepared, fire gets packed (outside please), ingredients are dumped very ceremoniously in a certain order into the cast iron Pot, lid gets put on and then left. For hoooours. It really is a whole day of steaming, and cooking, and drinking. See, thats our perfect excuse for having a potjie... the drinking and catching up with your friends... The whole. day. long. So, at the end of the evening when all are quite sloshed and ravenous, we dive into the pot, slather the food onto a plate and devour with intent. Lovely.

I luuuurve being a Suffafrikan girl!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The long weekend

There are a few things I want to do this weekend with my hubby.
But I'll have to choose which...


...too cold

2. SUN CITY...

...too expensive


... too far

okey... so none of my plans really feasable. But I dont want to sit at home again!!! Please guys, any ideas of spending a great long weekend with your gorgeous lover thats not TOO expensive!!??

Monday, August 3, 2009