Monday, April 26, 2010

Bored. Bored. And uuuhhh bored

Boring around on excel a bit (I dont have any creation program at work.  None.  Probably because we're not suppose to be entertaining our little starved minds.  Sorry boss-man.  Anywho, I'm designing a logo for my make-believe guesthouse.

Whadda ya think?

(And be kind.  remember I had to "spoeg-and-plak" using microsoft office mkay!

p.s.  If you use my motto, I WILL come kick your skinny little ass.  Or your more wobbly one.  Whichever your'e the owner of.  I dont care if its not copyrighted yet.  Its not cool okey.  I like my idea.  And I might even use it one day. 

Also some great design ideas I came across on the net (pardoning for not linking.  downloaded while back without reference)

Okey dokes.  Have a great week.  Dont let the greyness get you down.  Wear your most fluffy jacket and cuddle with your hot chocolate.


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