Friday, July 17, 2009


Every now and then I receive a newsletter from It's an internet site dedicated to following and predicting world trends. Its not a page to check up on if whether your new converse sneakers paired with your Kirsten Scott plaid top is cool or not. Its about a much more wider variety of life-determining trends, ideas and theories. Some of the trends that was predicted end of last year was as follow: (Please note that the quotations are from the following site -


"It captures the growing importance of 'generosity' as a leading societal and business mindset. As consumers are disgusted with greed and its current dire consequences for the economy—and while that same upheaval has them longing more than ever for institutions that care—the need for more generosity beautifully coincides with the ongoing (and pre-recession) emergence of an online-fueled culture of individuals who share, give, engage, create and collaborate in large numbers. In fact, for many, sharing a passion and receiving recognition have replaced 'taking' as the new status symbol. Businesses should follow this societal/behavioral shift, however much it may oppose their decades-old devotion to me, myself and I.”

In short: Humans are realising and craving the need for giving. We are a species meant to share. It's not just survival instinct, but also our humanitarian DNA gene, which I believe, is present in all of us. Thats why charities, and fighting world hunger and Benefit Concerts are so attractive to us: We want to save the world. And as the cliche goes... It starts with you

Sites that support the Generation G trend (Co-Donate):

Some of the annexures of the Generation G trend are:
* Co-Donate
* Eco Generosity
* Free love (not 60's hippy style people)
* Brand Butlers
* Etc.


“Encompasses the many ways that consumers and businesses are embracing conversations, relationships, and products that are ‘never done’. Driving its popularity is technology that allows them to find, follow, interact and collaborate forever with anyone & anything.”

Its about being connected, connectable and available anytime.
Its Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, blogging (yes us!).
Its communicating through different means unknown before technology encompassed our lives.

So what does this mean? Well other than just being a little weirdo that likes people reading his bloggings or what he ate for breakfast, it stretches far more than that. Its company's being able to correspond and connect more with their customers. It's solving problems and queries quicker and more efficient. Its about getting results.

Again guys, go onto and read up. I really have barely touched on this subject. I truly think its important for us to understand what and where technology, humanity and trends are evolving towards, for us to not just expand our businesses or enterprises, but to enrich us as fellow humans.

I hope you guys enjoyed this "Information Station". This has been the first in a collection of facts that I feel like sharing with you.


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