Thursday, July 30, 2009

Adventurefying my life

Ive been reading other people's blogs on here and I've come to the conclusion that:

a: There are some preeeetty weird people out there
b: I wish I was one of them
c: Some get it absolutely right writing about the most mundane of things and make it the most interessting piece youve read in a year
d: Other people's lives seem a hell of a lot more adventurous than mine
e: I need to double up on my vocabulary skills
f: All of the above

Now I've been thinking, yeah, maybe my life isnt AS exiting as over a year ago, but I AM in love with my life at the mo. I just need to spice it up a bit. So excluding my painting, golfing (pro amateur) and snuggling with my hubby, I have decided that I want, WILL go travel (read 'holiday-for-my-amount-of-leave-days-applicated-to-me-in-my-socially-accepted-job) next year.

I am really contemplating doing a part of the Pilgrim's Tour through Italy (Compostela Trail). You can either walk/hike this trail or enjoy the scenery on a bike. The reason why I'm leaning towards this type of holiday, is because you get to enjoy and appreciate much more of a country when you explore it slowly and in detail. Also you get to sleep over in cathedrals, or local's houses and have traditional food to stuff your very tired face with.

I am going to use the money I make from painting for this holiday. It will be my gift to my hubby for our anniversary next year. Just keep your fingers crossed that I actually SELL my paintings!

(Seeing as I havent BEEN there yet, I have sourced some photos from the net),0.jpg,%20Galicia,%20Spain.jpg,%20Galicia,%20Spain.jpg

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My favourite colour...

Xcited bout Painting

I started with my painting again last night. I am actually really excited about it this time! I am all plump with creative juices. If you squeeze me to hard I'll spill pink happiness all over you. I dont know if that should be disturbing or not... Anywhooo, as soon as the painting is done, I'll take a pic and post it. I also have the most AMAZING idea for a range!!! Not so sure I want to spill the beans yet... I'll send some clues throughout the year and then reveal it once completion has been achieved.

For now, I'll just post this amazing art by Pauline Lim. You can check her out at

Friday, July 24, 2009

Wonderous White

White is the visual embodiment of serinity. It has a calming effect on me and helps me with clearing my mind of cobwebs. Here are some gorgeous pictures to help you relax. This is what my weekend (hopefully!) is going to feel like.

Have a great one!



(I paste inspiring pictures from the internet onto my pc and then look at them when I want some beauty in my life. Unfortunately I never record their origin or creators. So please note that I dont take any responsibility for any pictures other than my own.)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Change is as good as a holiday

I am sooo bored with our brown little living room! I decided to spice things up a bit. No, this is not our room. This is one of the rooms on the website. Just click on the color-a-room button to play around.

Our coaches' colour are almost similar to the first pic. But I want to introduce some fun into our living room, so I'm contemplating a red check couch!! Whatdya thing?! Oh, and I have an old and worm red frame on the one wall, an assortment of turqoise cushions and gorgeous glittery white ones. My style is quite eclectic.

So come on, pleeease help me decide! Any other suggestions would be appreciated as well

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bland Dullness

I have this weird fascination with photographs that seem desolate, destruct and just plain sad.
There is serenity and beauty in something so devoid of happiness and or life. It makes me feel alive and connected. I've been a bit busy today, so I'm only posting this at the end of my workday. Off to go have dinner at my parents house. I will elaborate more on this Dull Phenomenan when I have time

So come on, spoil me and post / email me a gorgeous sad photo mkay!!!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Families are Fluffy

Last night the parentals and my brother came over for their first dinner at our housie. It is just such a blessing to be able to still have both my parents and that they'r still in love with each other and with their children. And it is such a great feeling to hear my husband call them 'ma' and 'pa', and them calling them 'seun'.

My gorgeous little baby brother (yes, 22 isnt a baby anymore but I dont care!) brought me the bestestestest gift... Wait, let me start from the beginning...

Once upon a time, long long ago in a cold part of the country (Cape Town) a girl that rarely buys music, bought herself the most awesomest CD imaginable. She listened to it for hours on end and even christened her new home with its angelic sounds. Unfortunately, in the hussle and bussle of moving house (AGAIN!) she forgot the precious possession at a friend's house. The friend of course has NO idea where the CD went. So, the little princess *cugh* sorry, 'girl' then only had the musical genius to play to her in her sleep.

Until one day (that was last night) her sweet little sibling brought her what she has been dreaming about through fitful nights of rememberance...

KINGS OF LEON - Because of the Times!!! (Cue angelic heavenly voices)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Babies make you go ZZZZZ

I might be having second doubts about having a little pinkfoot soon.

Our friends went with to the farm this weekend and bought along their wee little 2 month old baby. I had the absolute most fun playing with the little rascal: feeding him, dressing him, getting rid of nasty burps, etc.

Now that is all fun, fine and dandy. No problem there...

Its the constant worrying and realisation that NEVER EVER EVER again will you be able to completely relax. You will always be aware of this other life (YOUR evolved lifebeing) that needs protection, security and love. No more getting drunk noon on a saturday(Noooooo!!!), no more watching 4 movies in a row on a sunday while snuggling with your hubby, no more mid afternoon naps, no more peace when you need it. A whole bunch of 'No more's. You will just have to plan your life around the little munchkins.

But after all said and contemplated... I still cant wait for ours!! Going to the doc next week for my checkup, getting pre nate vitamins, starting to eat LOTS of healthy food stuffs and hopefully soon, I will post a pic of a sonar of a certain little someone...

Baby girl (3-6 months) lying on blanket, close-up, portrait

Friday, July 17, 2009


I'm off to the farm with my beautiful husband and our friends. Hope you all have a fantabulishious weekend!


Every now and then I receive a newsletter from It's an internet site dedicated to following and predicting world trends. Its not a page to check up on if whether your new converse sneakers paired with your Kirsten Scott plaid top is cool or not. Its about a much more wider variety of life-determining trends, ideas and theories. Some of the trends that was predicted end of last year was as follow: (Please note that the quotations are from the following site -


"It captures the growing importance of 'generosity' as a leading societal and business mindset. As consumers are disgusted with greed and its current dire consequences for the economy—and while that same upheaval has them longing more than ever for institutions that care—the need for more generosity beautifully coincides with the ongoing (and pre-recession) emergence of an online-fueled culture of individuals who share, give, engage, create and collaborate in large numbers. In fact, for many, sharing a passion and receiving recognition have replaced 'taking' as the new status symbol. Businesses should follow this societal/behavioral shift, however much it may oppose their decades-old devotion to me, myself and I.”

In short: Humans are realising and craving the need for giving. We are a species meant to share. It's not just survival instinct, but also our humanitarian DNA gene, which I believe, is present in all of us. Thats why charities, and fighting world hunger and Benefit Concerts are so attractive to us: We want to save the world. And as the cliche goes... It starts with you

Sites that support the Generation G trend (Co-Donate):

Some of the annexures of the Generation G trend are:
* Co-Donate
* Eco Generosity
* Free love (not 60's hippy style people)
* Brand Butlers
* Etc.


“Encompasses the many ways that consumers and businesses are embracing conversations, relationships, and products that are ‘never done’. Driving its popularity is technology that allows them to find, follow, interact and collaborate forever with anyone & anything.”

Its about being connected, connectable and available anytime.
Its Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, blogging (yes us!).
Its communicating through different means unknown before technology encompassed our lives.

So what does this mean? Well other than just being a little weirdo that likes people reading his bloggings or what he ate for breakfast, it stretches far more than that. Its company's being able to correspond and connect more with their customers. It's solving problems and queries quicker and more efficient. Its about getting results.

Again guys, go onto and read up. I really have barely touched on this subject. I truly think its important for us to understand what and where technology, humanity and trends are evolving towards, for us to not just expand our businesses or enterprises, but to enrich us as fellow humans.

I hope you guys enjoyed this "Information Station". This has been the first in a collection of facts that I feel like sharing with you.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

The utterly gorgeous, most talented, artistic Doe Deere

Doe Deere has launched her own Super bright make up range 'Lime Crime' and is making a killing with internet sales and marketing. An excellent example of
"Anything is Possible if you put your mind to it"
She is an absolute inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs. Whether you have a great new idea or a brandspanking new concept; quality, marketing and promotion is of the uttermost importance for your business.

Proud Pisces Princess

K, so there you go. These are the traits of a proper Pisces girl...

Even the not-so-nice traits... Come on, if we're honest, we know we all have some 'worse' traits right...? RIGHT?!

So, Lee-Anne sent me this adorable catalogue on Sticker Art for your walls... and it's a South African company. No more painting and repainting walls when either you or your kids keep on changing your pretty little decor minds. Just peel them and stick on other ones. A whole new feel with very little effort and much less moolas spent. How rocking is that!? Go check out their webpage at

There is even a Glo-in-the-dark option on some Stickers. How cool!

My Girl Friends...

In future you will know who I'm blabbering on about :)

I met Lee-Anne 9 years ago. She was dating my best friend since kindergarten (Quinton) at the time. She is now married to her high school boyfriend and is planning on having cute little ginger kiddies running around. (She is the one with the short hair)

Leàne was a sparkling bubble of energy that bursted into my life at our school's 10 year reunion. She was there with Quinton's best friend Dirk. (Ironic thing is, I ended up marrying Dirk's nephew 2 years later!!) So hopefully Leàne and I will be family soon! (She is the blonde bombshell)

Oh and me...? I'm the the brunette (bride) in the first pic, and the redhead (with my 30th Birthday Party) in the second.

Asian Soup Evening

Last night my friend Lee-Anne invited us over for an Asian Food Evening. (I just realised, I'll have to introduce my peeps to you so you'll know who I'm talking about right!?)

I made 'vetkoek' balls stuffed with sausage and sweet and sour sauce, and Leàne brought Duck springrolls. Main course was delicious steamed chicken with bok choy and noodle soup. Mmmmmnjam!!!

The boys proceeded to play some chess and us girls smoked some cigars and caught up on our gossip.

Aaaaah, dont you just love winter dinner parties!

Bowl of soup, close-up, tilt, part of

The Fabulous Mr.Barend Paul Barnard

My gorgeous Natural Blonde friend dedicated this post to me.
(Neptune is the ruling planet for Pisces, which of course I am proud to be.)

Thursday, December 18, 2008
To Ilze:
Neptune is glamour, illusion, allure and fantasy.
It is art, the artist, the abstract and muse.
Its inspiration before action.
It is all that is real because we believe that its real.
It is unproven "fact".

Its Santa Claus, Disney magic, make-up, the Wonderbra, Barbie and Hollywood (+ fake profile pics). It entices and provokes.
And its sad when these "facts" are shattered.

PS: I love my Saggitarian Neptune in the 12th. I respect it and let it keep its secrets.

Neptune is my lipgloss, my self tanning lotion and blow dryer.
Its the song that I sing that sounds good (in my head).
Its the breeze that hides the sun's burn.Its words (like these) that evades the issue.

Neptune is the song the Siren sings.

Posted by Barend Paul Barnard at 2:14 PM

Here he is on the rooftop of a friends' house overlooking Cape Town on New Years Eve.

He has an amazing sense of humour and witty blogstyle. Go check out his blog(ss) at and

Polyvore Rocks

I stumbled upon a month or so ago while searching for cute clothes combos.

Polyvore is a site where you can upload pics from certain other webpages or from their site. You use those pics then to create your own Fashion sets, Art sets or whatever the hell you like! You drag the items around, maximize, minimize, overlap them and set their transperancy (to a degree) to your little heart's content! It's like a Idiot's Guide to Photoshopping. Kind off...

Go have a look! It really is amazing and fun fun fun!!!

Here are some of the pieces I've done:

And here are a few of my favourite Polyvorians. They are freakin' gooood I tell ya!

The very talented and artistic Maia-arts: The extremely bright and colourful Painthead: The feminine and detailed KikiHiller:
And the expressionist .iDolly-Authentic: